5 “Must Do’s” in Florence

Follow my blog with Bloglovin If you are visiting Florence for a short break then there are certain things you definitely must see or do, these are my top 5 to help you plan your…

A day in Budapest – what to see and do in 24 hours

Here’s a question for you. Can you do Budapest justice in just over one day? 29 hours to be precise. We were about to find out! We’d booked a flight from Dubai back to the…

Bath – a great city for a short break

What’s the story? Jane and I normally spend my birthday down in London with Kate & Josh. Of course this year they weren’t there having moved out to Dubai, so we decided to have a…

5 must try foods in Palermo, Sicily

Italy…quite possibly the best country in the world. It really does have it all, from beautiful lakes and spectacular skiing, to history-packed cities and breathtaking beaches, as well as all the gorgeous countryside. And that’s without even mentioning the fantastic people and of course the food, ah yes the food.